5 Must-Follow Underwear Tips For Men

Men, admit it. When it comes to innerwear, your hand always reaches for the same thing. The same style, the same colour, and even the same size. You rarely experiment. Even when the innerwear is clearly not a proper fit.

We get it. There is hardly any information available out there. So, you make do with what you know. Well, we’re here to educate you on when to buy innerwear, how to find the right size and how to care for it.

It’s an extensive topic so for the sake of brevity, we talk about men’s underwear today. But keep your eyes peeled, we’ll be tackling vests soon.


1.     When to buy innerwear

If it’s faded, stretched or has more holes than fabric, it is time to buy new innerwear. Most men find it hard to part with their favourite pair. But with briefs, boxers, or trunks, don’t let sentimentality rule you. Be ruthless if the innerwear doesn’t look fresh, sharp and in shape.

Some experts believe the right time to replace underwear is after 25 washes. After that, they say, it starts to lose moisture-wicking properties. However, the consensus is 6 months. Men should discard their underwear twice a year. Use it beyond that, and the fabric loses elasticity. We know you’re tempted to wear them for just a couple of months more, but trust us, it is not a healthy practice.


2.     Take care of size and cut

A good starting point for underwear size is the waist. If you naturally wear trousers with a 34-inch waist, that’s the size you should purchase in underwear. Good innerwear brands will always have a comprehensive size chart. Use it to find out which underwear size matches your measurements.

In case you’re trying a new brand or style of underwear, we suggest buying just one pair first. That will ensure the size you select is actually the size that fits you. After you’ve confirmed the fit, go ahead and confidently add as many pairs as you want to the cart.

Size is an important factor in underwear, but it is not the vital element. Why? Because most underwear is stretchable. Each size has a 20 to 30% margin. It is the cut that ultimately decides your comfort level. So, be more careful about the type of cut you purchase. And that brings us to the third tip of the day – underwear style.


3.     Boxers, briefs or trunks?

Understandably, you want to stick to the style of underwear that works for you. As they say, better the devil you know. But we encourage you to experiment with styles. Not just because you may discover a cut that suits you better. But because not every style of innerwear works with every type of clothing.

For instance, formal trousers are better paired with trunks. Wearing them with briefs is a habitual mistake men make. Another is thinking boxers and trunks are interchangeable. They are not. Boxers have a slightly looser fit and are the best bet when you’re relaxing or sleeping.

Here’s a brief primer on the three most common underwear cuts to help you choose:


These are the go-to options, which is why you’ll find them in every man’s closet. Briefs offer good coverage but leave the thighs uncovered. It’s the reason they are not suitable for formals. They are an excellent option when playing sports or wearing fitted jeans, since minimal fabric ensures there is no bunching. Typically, briefs come in three types of rise – low, medium and high. It is necessary to match the rise to the type of pants you’re wearing.


These are a classic underwear every man should have at least a pair or two in his closet. Boxers are also the most breathable of all because their fit is relaxed. Although they offer better air circulation, the amount of support they provide is not equal to briefs or trunks. That said, premium men’s innerwear brands now cater to slimmer fits with a double contoured pouch and a design that prevents riding up.


These fall right in the middle – part briefs and part boxers. Trunks hug the body and have a cut that covers a portion of the leg. Recently, they have become more popular because they pair well with all sorts of clothes, from casual to formal. They are extremely comfortable throughout the day. So, if you’re a brief man and are interested in a new underwear cut, we recommend trunks.

Need a more detailed guide on the different types of innerwear? Hop over here.


4.     Pay attention to the underwear fabric

In India, fabric choices for men’s underwear are limited. However, that’s good news because the climate is not conducive to most materials. When you’re out shopping for innerwear, pay attention to two fabrics – elastane and cotton.

Any trunk, brief or boxer that has 8 to 10% Elastane is a great choice. What about innerwear that has no Elastane? Look for cotton then, especially for your regular wear. It offers the best ventilation and prevents infection. On top of that, unlike synthetic materials, cotton doesn’t trap odours and averts itching.

When selecting underwear for workouts, opt for a nylon or polyester blend. They won’t get drenched in sweat and make you uncomfortable while training.


5.     The right way to wash underwear for men

Unwashed or incorrectly washed underwear is a breeding ground for fungus, bacteria, and germs. Some studies have even proven that, over time, underwear collects microscopic particles of faeces. Believe us when we say, laundering them is crucial.

You’ll not only have clean underwear, but also prevent rashes or worse health issues. More than that, clean innerwear is free of dirt and sweat, giving you a cosy fit.

For washing, use a mild detergent and warm water. Don’t utilise your washing machine’s spin cycle to dry innerwear. It deteriorates the elastic faster and stretches out the material.

Try the tumble dry setting, and when that is not available, air dry them. If you choose the latter, lay them out flat instead of hanging them. Never dry innerwear directly under the sun as it spoils the waistband. Lastly, never, ever iron your underwear.


Last few underwear tips for men

We leave you with some random tips on innerwear that every man should follow. Start your day with fresh, clean underwear. Don’t think that yesterday’s briefs have just one more wear in them. They don’t. Chuck them in the laundry basket.

It’s a good practice not to sleep in the same underwear you wore the whole day. A rule of thumb to maintain innerwear for men is to wash them separately or by hand. Another is to keep them in a neat, airy space. A tiny, cramped drawer does your innerwear no good.

Finally, consider quality when buying innerwear. You don’t have to spend a fortune, but never pick economy over quality. It is the layer that’s right next to your skin. Bad quality will only lead to frustration.


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